Andrew Baxter Drive, Mangere

Andrew Baxter Drive, Mangere – industrial subdivision

The Scope

The clients owned an industrial site which they wanted split into two. There was no construction involved but the clients wanted the industrial subdivision completed as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

The Background

Our elderly clients had owned the site for some time and had reached a point where they wanted to subdivide. The aim was to split the site in two, then sell off half to provide them with some spare money for retirement while keeping the other half as an ongoing income stream.

The Challenge

The challenge was the tight timeframe under which the clients wanted the project completed. KW Consultants often have projects with short timelines, they can be challenging but, with our expertise and experience in working with council, are usually achievable.
We worked tirelessly to bring this project across the line within the limited timeframe. This required many phone calls to council in order to ensure the process was progressing as speedily as possible.
A further challenge was that our clients, being elderly, had no understanding of the council process. They knew nothing about how to make payments to council or bank transfers to us. We overcame this challenge by accepting cheque payments and keeping track of, and facilitating, their fee payments to council.

The Outcome

Our clients wanted a consultant who was able to complete this entire industrial subdivision so they wouldn’t have to deal with multiple people. KW Consultants were able to do just that; making the entire process hassle free and relatively easy.
We achieved the client’s timeline, completing the project quickly and without any construction work. Our clients are now able to enjoy their retirement.

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